How to run multiple rails applications on different sub urls with same domain

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Category : Rails

Hello There, Today I am going to tell you how you can run multiple rails applications on a single server with different sub urls. I am using ````nginx +passenger``` to run applications.

Here is an implementation how can we run multiple rails applications over a single machine:

Deploy both applications on server:

First step to deploy both application on single server.

Edit nginx configs

run command sudo nano /etc/nginx/site-enabled/APPLICATION_CONFIG and change root and base uri as like following lines of code in the file:

root PATH_OF_FIRST_APP/public;
passenger_base_uri /APP2;

Restart nginx service:

sudo service nginx restart


Restart passenger:

touch tmp/restart.txt

Now you can visit your ip/domain, as you can see:

  • will be serving the first application.
  • will be service the second application.

About Ram Laxman Yadav
Ram Laxman Yadav

Senior Software Engineering Professional | Tech Enthusiast | Mentor | Payments | Hospitality | E-Commerce, based in NCR, India

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