Hello Friends, Generally we request a root element in request params, from a rest api. Suppose if you have a REST api for create user with name then you have to give data in format like: {"user": {"name": "somename"}}
. Here a root element user
is required. What if you want to post data without root element, Here the wrapping concept comes. Here is on example of that
What is ParamsWrapper
ParamsWrapper is available inside ActionController::ParamsWrapper
. It wraps the parameters hash into nested hash. It allow clients to submit requests without having a specific root element.
How to use
This functionality is enabled in config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb
and can be customized. By default it is enable for :json
format but you can customize it for other formats as well.
class BulletinsController < ApplicationController
wrap_parameters format: [:json, :xml, :url_encoded_form, :multipart_form] #etc
Now, instead of having to send JSON parameters like this:
bulletin: {
name: 'bulletin_name'
you can send request with parameter
name: 'bulletin_name'
It will wrapped params into a nested hash with the key name matching the controller name
. In my case it will be like
name: 'bulletin_name',
bulletin: {
name: 'bulletin_name'
You can also :include
and :exclude
parameters. As like:
class BulletinsController < ApplicationController
wrap_parameters :bulletin, include: [:name]
Thanks for reading for more documentation, Please refer the link