However in practice, we need read/write operations with google drive.In ruby it’s pretty simple to perform read/write operations in google drive.Here is an example of the same using ruby script.
Prerequisite To perform read/write operation use gem google-drive-ruby .
Install gem Run the following command
sudo gem install google_drive
Create a developer client_id and client secret To create client_id and client_secret you have to follow these steps:
Login to the Google’s Admin pannel . Create a project and go to Api & auth tab. Click on credentials tab and click on ‘Create new client ID’. Select Application type Web and give the callback url. Click ‘Create Client ID’. Example to read/write files in Google Drive: require "google/api_client"
require "google_drive"
#=>Get an google api client
client = Google :: APIClient . new
auth = client . authorization
auth . client_id = "YOUR CLIENT ID"
auth . client_secret = "YOUR CLIENT SECRET"
auth . scope = [
"" ,
auth . redirect_uri = "YOUR_REDIRECT_URL"
print ( "1. Open this page: \n %s \n\n " % auth . authorization_uri )
#=>This will print an url on screen.Copy this url and open in browser then copy the value of variable code and paste on the stdin.
print ( "2. Enter the authorization code shown in the page: " )
auth . code = $stdin . gets . chomp
auth . fetch_access_token!
#=> Get the access code
access_token = auth . access_token
#=> Get session
session = GoogleDrive . login_with_oauth ( access_token )
#=> Gets list of remote files.
session . files . each do | file |
p file . title
#=> Uploads a local file.
session . upload_from_file ( "/path/to/hello.txt" , "hello.txt" , convert: false )
#=> Downloads to a local file.
file = session . file_by_title ( "hello.txt" )
file . download_to_file ( "/path/to/hello.txt" )
#=> Updates content of the remote file.
file . update_from_file ( "/path/to/hello.txt" )
For more details and to see an example please refer this link